The doctor will patronise you now.

Have you ever had tests or X-rays taken and received the results in an envelope sealed with a sticker that instructs, “NOT TO BE OPENED EXCEPT BY THE DOCTOR”?

Did you know pathology companies have a policy that they won’t give the results to the patient only to the requesting doctor?

How very audacious of the medical system to keep you the patient, you the paying customer, in the dark, the last to know, waiting on the doctor’s convenience.

It’s your information, it’s your life.

You have paid for it, even if Medicare paid, you and fellow taxpayers paid for it. It belongs to you.

You will be able to understand it. After all the General Practitioner is not a Pathologist or a Radiologist. Even if the detail is not clear to you, there will be an interpretation written in clear English for the doctor to read. It’s usually in bold at the end so it’s easy to find.

If you feel you will not be able to cope with the implications of the results, then of course seek counseling and use your best judgement. However, I feel that most of us, most of the time will just want to know and that should be our option not the doctor’s. I would not want to be waiting and worrying.

Next time you get one of those envelopes, rip it open, so it’s obvious you’ve done so (it’s not naughty) and have a read, so you don’t have to wait to see the doctor. I’m not saying don’t see the doctor.

When Pathology sends your results to the doctor, get a copy. By the way, did you know you have the right to tell the doctor which pathology company you’d like to use rather than accepting whatever company provides the doctor with their stationary. The right of assignment is yours.

Similarly, when you get a script from the chemist ask the pharmacist not to put the sticker over the information about the active ingredient and strength of the medication. Ask them not to throw away the information pamphlet which the drug companies put in each packet. That’s useful information you should know. The chemist routinely throws them out so you don’t get concerned about the side-effects etc. After all, the doctor has made the judgement for you and wouldn’t want you to be unduly  worried, burdened with all that information relevant to the drug you’re taking (?)

Doctors are very qualified, necessary contributing members of society but if no one complains, you get more of the same. It’s only by challenging for patient’s rights, that the culture changes.

Free, free, free…

Whilst stuck in a waiting room today, I was traumatised by the spectre of daytime television suckering people our of their hard earned money. Have you noticed that those telesales adds no longer advertise the total price? Surely that’s illegal, but obviously not. Perhaps it should be. Today there was free offer of a generous range of cosmetics free for first 295 callers. No costs were mentioned, even the postage was free. I suspect the number 295 was somehow selected on the basis of some dodgy psychology that suggests this is more likely to make people call.

…but hang on, it says, “Credit card callers only”… Why would you need a credit card if the offer is totally free? This is almost as depressing as watching people flush their money down the drain on poker machines.